Programmes Offered | Faculty Members |
The Department of Economics came into being as a distinct unit in 1948-49. The department started B. A Hons course in 1948, Post graduate course in 1952, and M. Phil programme in 1994-95. The dept. got recognition as a research centre in 2005. Add on course on tourism & hospitality was introduced in 2006 with UGC aid. The department was fortunate enough in getting the services of eminent personalities like Prof. V.R Pillai, Dr. PG K Panikkar &, Dr. Ramachandran Nair. Whoever served the department delivered their level best in both academic and non academic fields. At present there are thirteen teachers and one non teaching member in the department. The total student’s strength is 274. The departmental library has a total stock of 6269 books, 5 research journals, govt. publications & reports.
Majority of the teachers have got more than twenty years of teaching experience. The department also makes use of the services of retired teachers in pursuing research activities. Five teachers of the department are supervising 19 research scholars for Ph.D research. Services of the faculty members are often availed of by various government departments such as Census departments, Higher Secondary Education etc. The major areas of specialization include Welfare economics, Labour economics, Environmental Economics, International Economics, Women studies, Tribal studies, Migration studies, Agricultural Economics and Industrial Economics. The department is getting assistance from UG & PG UGC assistance to the tune of Rs. 3,59,400/- for purchasing books and journals. The department has also received Rs. 13,80,200/- from UGC in respect of two major and five minor projects during the period 2005 – 2010. Four minor projects have been completed during the period. Regarding UGC FIP Teacher Fellowship two teachers successfully completed the programme during the IXth Plan and another two teachers are in the final stage of completion availing FIP Xth Plan. The XIth Plan UGC Teacher Fellowship is being awaited by two teachers.
The academic achievements of the department may be highlighted a book on Environmental Economics, ten research articles and seven general articles were published during this period. Mr. Prasanth a faculty member of the department joined IES in 2008. The research scholars of the department, Pratibha A, Saju K. Surendran and ‘Sethuraman. K joined IES and IPS respectively. Godwin (2004-06) and Anoop Kumar. M (2008-09) got 2nd and 3rd rank respectively in the MA degree exam. There are 13 UGC NET/JRF qualified research scholars in the department. Dhanya M.B submitted the Ph.D thesis on ‘Empowerment of women & Kudumbashree in 2008 and Deepa. B, submitted her thesis on ‘social capital’ in 2009.
The students with the help of the HoD conducted a survey at Vilappilsala to study the social, economic and environment impacts of a solid waste treatment plant on the rural community. Every year study tours are undertaken by the department to places of historical and economic significance. Grievances of students are addressed by the special cell of the department. The members of the Alumni keep in touch with the department. The department is in the forefront in organising seminars both at national and departmental level on topics of contemporary relevance. Seminars were conducted on Environmental awareness in 2006, Kerala model of development in 2007 and ASEAN PACT in 2009. Discussions on budget are held every year. A function was held at the departmental level on 19.3.2009 to commemorate the renowned Indian Economist Dr. K.N. Raj. The department plans to extend research activities which focus on more student teacher partnership with a pro poor and inclusive perspective. Within the constraints the department of Economics tries its best to maximize its achievements.