Dr. Shibu D S

Associate Professor, Research Guide & Head 

Department of Statistics

@  statshibu-at-gmail.com

# +91-8547.394.067


Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D.
  • M.Sc. Statistics

Area of Interest (Teaching)

  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Distribution Theory
  • Probability Theory
  • Statistical Inferences
  • Stochastic Process

Area of Interest (Research)

  • Distribution Theory
  • Statistical Inferences


  • Assistant Professor at University College, Thiruvananthapuram (June 2008 – till date)
  • Lecturer in Statistics at Govt. College Kariavattom (September 2007 – June 2008)
  • Research Officer at Central Plan Monitoring Unit Secretariat (January 2004 – September 2007)
  • Research Assistant at State Planning Board (January 1998 – January 2004)

Additional Responsibilities

  • Tutor for S2 M.Sc Statistics with Specialization in Data Analytics
  • Member of Board of studies (Pass) in University of Kerala
  • Member of Board of studies (Pass) in Kannur University.
  • Life time member of Kerala Statistical Association
  • Life time member of Indian society for Statistics and Probability.
  • Resource person for Civil Services Entrance Coaching Programme offered by University College, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Resource person for KAS coaching centre run by the SC/ST Department of Government of Kerala.

Positions Held

  • Assistant Superintendent of Exams for University/KPSC/UPSC/SSC/Bank/IIT in University College, Thiruvananthapuram for 3 years ( 2014 – 2017 ) .
  • Question paper Setter of KPSC for various competitive exams
  • Question Paper Setter of Statistics (UG and PG) of Kannur University, Calicut University and Maharajas (autonomous) College etc.
  • Subject Expert in the selection of Project Associate (Statistics) in National Transportation Planning and Research Centre(NATPAC).

Journal Publications

  • Construction of an alternative bivariate distribution with discrete modified Weibull as marginals, Journal of Indian Society for Statistics and probability (accepted), 2022,Shibu D.S and Nimna Beegum
  • An integral representation for inverse moments, Sankhya A (accepted), 2022, Shibu D.S, M.R Irshad and Nadarajaj S
  • The generalized DUS Transformed log normal distribution and Its application to cancer and heart transplant datasets, Mathematics 9,1-22, 2022, Irshad, Chesneau, Nitin, Shibu and Maya.
  • On Discrete Poisson Mirra Distribution-Regression, INAR(1) Process and Applications, Axioms 11,1-22, 2022, Maya, Irshad, Chesneau, Nitin and Shibu
  • On the Topp-Leone lognormal distribution: properties and applications in astronomy and cancer data, Chilean Journal of Statistics 13, 67-90, 2022, Irshad, Chesanu, Shibu, Nitin and Maya.
  • A study on Zografos-Balakrishnan lognormal distribution: Properties and applications to cancer data, Rev Stat, 1-25, 2021, Shibu, Nitin and Irshad.
  • Bivariate discrete modified Weibull distribution, Statistica 81,234-269,2020, Shibu D.S and Nimna Beegum.
  • Binomial mixture of Lindley distribution: Properties and Applications, Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 21,437-469, 2020, M.R. Irshad, Shibu D.S, R Maya and Veena D.
  • Concomitants of record values arising from the Morgenstern type bivariate Lindley distribution, Afrika Statistika 13,1865-1875, 2018, Maya R, M.R. Irshad and Shibu D.S.
  • Extended New Lindley Distribution, Statistica 71,41-56,2016, Shibu D.S and M.R. Irshad
  • Intervened Hermite distribution and its applications, JISA 53,123-134, 2015, Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S
  • Finite mixtures of modified intervened Poisson distribution and some of its applications, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 13,344-357,2014, Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S
  • On intervened stuttering Poisson distribution, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice7, 544-557, 2013 , Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • On some aspects of intervened generalized Hermite distribution, Metron 7,9-19, 2013 , Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • An extended version of intervened Poisson distribution, Research Journal of Fatima Mata National College [Science Edition], 4, 29–40,2013, Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • An alternative to truncated intervened Poisson distribution, Journal of Statistics and Applications 5, 131 – 141, 2012, Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • Generalized intervened Poisson distribution, Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences 19, 131-141, 2013, Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • Some finite mixtures of intervened Poisson distribution, The Aligarh Journal of Statistics 32, 97-114, 2012 , Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S.
  • Modified intervened Poisson distribution, Statistica 71, 489-499,2011, Kumar and Shibu D.S.

Books (edited/chapter)

  • Finite mixtures of extended intervened Poisson distribution, In Collection of Recent Statistical Methods and Applications (C.S. Kumar, M. Chacko and E.I.A. Sathar, Eds.), 69-82, 2013, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala Publishers, Trivandrum. Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S, ISBN:978-93-5104- 794-0
  • Estimation of the parameters of a finite mixture of intervened Poisson distribu tion. In Statistical Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies, (S. Santhosh, Ed.), 93 – 103, 2011, Dept. of Statistics, Maharajas College, Cochin , Kumar C.S and Shibu D.S, ISBN: 978-81-8465-940–5

Papers Presented at Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

  • Presented a paper in the International Conference (Virtual mode) jointly organized by ISPS, CUSAT and University of Kerala on 7-10 SEPTEMBER, 2021 with a title: ‘Some aspects on mixtures of Lagrangian probability distribution’ in conjunction with 40th annual convention of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics (ISPS)
  • Presented a paper entitled as “Some inferential Aspects on Weighted Lagrangian Probability Distribution” in the three -day International Virtual Conference on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Business and Industry, A Regional Virtual Conference of International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS), organized by Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science &Technology, Kerala, India during the 28th -30th of December 2020.
  • Delivered a lecture on Career Opportunities in Statistics in the Online lecture series on Mathematical Analysis – Visualization and Applications, organized by the Department of Mathematics in association with IQAC, St. John’s College, Anchal, Kollam, Kerala on 04/09/2020.
  • Presented a paper on “some aspects on Lagrangian Probability Distribution” in the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistical Sciences (RTSS-2019) sponsored by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala and KSA from 7-9 March 2019.
  • Served as a Resource Person in the Two Days National Seminar on “Algebra and Analysis’ sponsored by the DEC, GoK and organized by Dept. of Mathematics, MMS Govt. Ats and Science College, Malayaninkezhu on 10 and 11 th December 2018.
  • Handled two sessions in the ‘Training on Practical Applications of Modern Theoretical Development in Statistics ‘conducted by Department of Economics and Statistics with the support of MOSPI, GoI from 6-8 Feb 2018.
  • Presented a paper “Lagrangian Type Intervened Poisson Distribution” in the National Conference sponsored by Department of Statistical Sciences, Kannur University and KSA from 17-18 February 2017.
  • Presented a paper on “Poisson-Intervened Poisson Lagrangian Dstribution” in the international Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first century-2015 (ICSTC-2015) from December 17-19, 2015 organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala.
  • Presented a paper titled “Statistics and Its Scope” in the One Day National Seminar Organized by the Departments of Mathematics and Commerce of SN College, Chempazanthy on 26th November 2014.
  • Presented a paper “on Finite Mixtures of Generalized Intervened Poisson Distribution” in the National Seminar organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala during 20-22 March 2014.
  • Presented a Talk on “Application of probability” in the five day National Workshop on “Applicable Mathematics and Statistics “organized by Mohandas College of Engineering from 13-17 October 2014.
  • Chaired as Quiz Master in the intercollegiate Quiz competition organized by NSSO, Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram as part of ‘Statistics Day Celebrations’ on 29th June 2018.
  • Presented a talk on “Certain finite mixtures of intervened stuttering Poisson distribution” in connection with International Conference on Mathematics Education and Mathematics in Engineering and Technology organized by Department of Mathematics from 17-20 December 2013.
  • Presented a talk on “Intervened Stuttering Poisson Distribution” in connection with the National Seminar organized by the Department of Statistics & Bio Statistics, St.Thomas College, Palai from 15-16 March 2013.
  • Presented a talk on “intervened generalized Hermite distribution and its properties” in the National Seminar organized by Department of Statistics, Calicut University from 15-17 March 2012.
  • Presented a talk on “finite mixtures of intervened Hermite distribution” in the National Conference sponsored by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala from 10-12 December 2012.
  • Presented a paper “Intervened Hermite Distribution and Its Applications” in connection with the International Conference organized by ISPS and CUSAT, Cochin during 19-22 December 2011.
  • Presented a paper “on finite mixtures of modified intervened Poisson regression models” in the International Conference organized by Department of Statistics, Loyola College, Chennai during 25-27 August 2011.
  • Presented a paper on “Certain finite mixtures of intervened Poisson distribution and its modified version” organized by Department of Statistical Sciences, Kannur University during 10-14 January 2011.
  • Presented a paper entitled as ‘Finite mixture of intervened Poisson regression models’ in the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in honour of Professor A.M.Mathai organized by Dept. of Statistics, St.Thomas College Pala during 3-5 January 2011.
  • Presented a paper on “Two component mixtures of intervened Poisson distribution and its applications” in the two days National seminar organized by Department of Statistics, Maharajas College during 25-26 November 2010.
  • Presented a paper on “Certain finite mixtures of positive Poisson distribution” in the National seminar organized by Department of Statistics, Muvattupuzha College during 25-27 February 2010.