Dr. N K Sajeevkumar

Professor & Research Guide

Department of Statistics

@  sajeevkumarnk-at-gmail.com
#   +91-9745.051.789

Academic Qualifications

  • UGC CSIR JRF(NET in Mathematical statistics)
  • Ph.D in Statistics from University of Kerala.
  • M.Phil Statistics from University of Kerala
  • M.Sc Statistics from University of Kerala

Area of Interest (Teaching)

  • Distribution Theory
  • Theory of estimation
  • Testing of Statistical hypothesis
  • Statistical quality control.

Area of Interest (Research)

  • Order Statistics


  • Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University College Thiruvananthapuram (2020 – till date)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Government College Kariavattom (2008 – 2020).
  • Assistant professor, Department of Statistics, Government Victoria College Palakkad (2007 – 2008).

Additional Responsibilities

  • State Executive committee member Kerala Statistical Association.

Responsibilities held previously

  • Head , Department of Statistics Government college Kariavattom 2008-2020.
  • Member board of studies in statistics (UG) University of Kerala( A per order No.Ac.AIII/1/2011)(with effect from 08-03-2011).
  • Member board of studies in statistics (PG) University of Kerala(As per order No.AIII/!/0811/2014)(with effect from 24/10/2014).

Journal Publications

  • N.K.Sajeevkumar and Sumi.A.R (2022).Use of concomitants of order statistics in the estimation of parameters mu2 and sigma2 of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution. Journal of Indian Society for probability and statistics .vol.23.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K, Sumi.A.R(2016).Estimation of parameters of Pearson type 1 family of distributions using ranked set sampling . Aligarh journal of statistics, vol.36, 23-38.
  • Irshad.M.R ,Sajeevkumar.N.K(2016).Estimating the mean of the Logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation by U-statistics. Thailand statistician,vol:14(2).117-128.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K, Sumi.A.R, Irshad.M.R(2015).Estimation of the mean of Normal distribution with known coefficient of variation by k-record values. ADROITIC, An international refereed quarterly research Journal (Multi-disciplinary),Vol.1,No.3,37-43.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2014).Estimation of the location parameter of distributions with known coefficient of variation by record values. STATISTICA ,LXXIV,3,335-348.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2014):Estimation of a parameter of Morgenstern type Bivariate Logistic distribution with equal coefficients of variation by concomitants of order statistics ,Culcatta statistical association bulletin,66,213-227.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K, Sumi.A.R, Irshad.M.R(2014).Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation. IAPQR Transcations,38,51-65,39,133-152.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2013):Estimation of the mean of normal distribution with known coefficient of variation by U-statistics.IAPQR Transcations,38,51-65
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2013):Estimating the parameter of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics. Aligarh Journal of Statistics,33,22-32.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2013):Estimation of the parameters of bivariate normal distribution with equal coefficient of variation using concomitants of order statistics. International journal of statistics and probability,2,1-11.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K. and Irshad.M.R(2013):Estimating a parameter of bivariate normal distribution using concomitants of record values when the coefficient of variation of Y variable is known. Collection of recent statistical methods and applications. Department of Statistics university of Kerala publications,Trivandrum,137-147.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R (2012): Estimating the mean of the double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by U-statistics: Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.Vol:23, 61-71.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and Irshad.M.R(2011):Estimating the parameter of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using censored sample. Journal of Indian Association for productivity, Quality and Reliability.Vol.36, number: 2,155-169.
  • Irshad.M.R and Sajeevkumar.N.K(2011).Estimating a parameter of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by ranked set sampling. Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.Vol:22,41-52.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K(2011).Use of Quasi-ranges in the estimation of scale parameter of a symmetric distribution. Communications in Statistics theory and methods.Vol:40,1780-1786.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and P.Yageen Thomas(2010).Use of spacings in the estimation of common scale parameter of several distributions .Vol:39,No:10,1951-1959.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K(2010).On uncorrelated linear functions of order statistics of inid random variables.Calcutta Statistical association bulletin.Vol:62,245-250.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K(2008).Some efficiency properties of best linear unbiased estimators of common location and scale parameter of several distributions. Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.Vol:19,11-18.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and P.Yageen Thomas(2008).Estimating the mean of double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by order Statistics.A publication of Department of Statistics, University of Kerala.pp:139-152.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K,P.Yageen Thomas and Philip Samual(2007).Estimation of location and scale parameters of pearson type 1 family of distributions. Journal of Indian society of Agricultural Statistics.Vol.61,42-50.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and P.Yageen Thomas(2006).Estimation of common scale parameter of several distributions when their common scale parameter is proportional to common location parameter.Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.Vol:17,37-52.
  • P.Yageen Thomas and Sajeevkumar.N.K(2005).Estimating the common scale parameter of several exponential distributions. Journal of Indian association for productivity and Reliability.Vol.30, 125-134.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K and P.Yageen Thomas(2005).Applications of order statistics of independent non-identically distributed random variables in estimation. Communications in Statistics Theory and methods.Vol.34,775-783.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K. and P.Yageen Thomas(2005).Estimating the mean of logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics. Recent advances in statistics theory and applications, ISPS proceedings,pp:170-176.
  • Sajeevkumar.N.K(2003).On a generalized class of winsorized means as estimators of the location parameter of the Cauchy distribution. Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.vol.14,10-18.
  • P.Yageen Thomas and Sajeevkumar.N.K(2003).Estimating the mean of normal distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics.Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.vol.14,26-32.
  • P.Yageen Thomas and Sajeevkumar.N.K(2002).Estimation of the common location and scale parameter of U-shaped and Uniform distribution by order statistics. Journal of the Kerala Statistical association.vol.13,33-44.

Papers Presented

  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2021). Article entitled “Estimation of the location parameter of certain distributions with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme ranked set sampling”. Article presented Indian society of probability and statistics during 7-10 september 2021, organized by Cochin university of science and Technology and M.D university Rohtak.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2019). Article entitled “Estimation of the common mean and common standard deviation of normal and double exponential distributions using extreme ranked set sampling”, article presented at international conference on statistics at Utkal university Odisa during 21-23 December 2019.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2019).Article entitled “Estimating the mean of the Rayleigh distribution with known coefficient of variation using k-record values”, article presented (invited talk )at national seminar on statistics department of statistics university of Kerala ,during 07-09March 2019.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2018).Article entitled “Estimating the mean of the Rayleigh distribution with known coefficient of variation using order statistics”, article presented at international conference on statistics at department of statistics University of Kerala, during 13-15 December 2018.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2018).Article entitled “Estimating the mean of the skew normal distribution with known coefficient of variation using order statistics”, article presented at international conference on statistics at department of statistics University of Kerala, during 28-30 June 2018.
  • N.K.sajeevkumar(2018).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the half-logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme ranked set sampling ”, article presented in national seminar on statistics at Madras university Chennai, during 19-20 march 2018.
  • N.K.sajeevkumar(2018).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the half-normal distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme ranked set sampling ”, article presented in national seminar on statistics at St.thomas college Thrissur during 15-17 February 2018.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2018).Article entitled “parameters of Pearson type 1 family of distributions using extreme ranked set sampling”, Article presented at international conference on statistics at Bharathiyar University Coimbatore during 05-07 January 2018.
  • N.K.sajeevkumar(2017).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme ranked set sampling”,article presented at international conference on statistics , at department of statistics University of Kerala ,during 14-16 December 2017.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2017).Article entitled “Estimation of common location parameter of several distributions when their common scale parameter is proportional to the location parameter using ranked set sampling”, Article presented at national conference on statistics at department of statistics Kannur University during 17-18 february 2017.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2016).Article entitled “Estimation of common mean of logistic and double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using ranked set sampling” ,Article presented International seminar on statistics for twenty first century ,at department of statistics University of Kerala ,during 21-23 December 2016.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2016).Article entitled “Estimation of common mean of logistic and double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using ranked set sampling” ,Article presented International seminar on statistics for twenty first century ,at department of statistics University of Kerala ,during 21-23 December 2016.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2016).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme ranked set sampling” ,Article presented International seminar on statistics for twenty first century ,at department of statistics University of Kerala ,during 21-23 December 2016
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2016).Article entitled “Use of spacings in the estimation of common scale parameter of half normal,half logistic and exponential distributions”.Article presented international symposium on statistics(ISPS conference)at Aligarh muslim University Aligarh ,during 17-19,December 2016.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of parameters of morgensten type bivariate exponential distribution using ranked set sampling”.Article presented at International conference on statistics for twenty first century held at Department of statistics University of Kerala during 17-19 December 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Use of spacings in the common scale parameter of half normal and half logistic distribution.”.Article presented at International conference on statistics for twenty first century held at Department of statistics University of Kerala during 17-19 December 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme order statistics”.Article presented at International conference on statistics for twenty first centuryheld at Department of statistics University of Kerala during 17-19 December 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the normal distribution with known coefficient of variation using moving extreme order statistics”.Article presented at National seminar on statistics at S.N college chempazanni, during 26-27 march 2015 .
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of the parameters of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution using concomitants of order statistics”. Article presented at National seminar on statistics at S.N college chempazanni, during 26-27 march 2015 .
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of the parameters of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution using concomitants of record values”. Article presented at National seminar on statistics at S.N college chempazanthi, during 26-27 march 2015 .
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled” Estimation of common mean of normal and logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using ranked set sampling”. Article presented at National seminar on recent advances in statistical theory and computational techniques at Cathelicate College Pathanamthitta during 6-7 February 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled” Estimation of a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate normal distribution with known coefficient of variation using k-record values”. Article presented at National seminar on recent advances in statistical theory and computational techniques at Cathelicate College ,Pathanamthitta during 6-7 February 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimating the mean of logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using k-record values”,Article presented at National seminar on Inter disciplinary realms of statistics at Department of statistics Sree Keralavarma college Thrissur, During 9-10 January 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015). Article entitled “Estimation of common mean of normal and double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using ranked set sampling” at National seminar on Inter disciplinary realms of statistics at Department of statistics Sree Kerala varma college Thrissur, During 9-10 January 2015.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2015).Article entitled “Estimation of a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate logistic distribution with equal coefficient of variation by concomitants of k-record values” at National seminar on Inter disciplinary realms of statistics at Department of statistics Sree Kerala Varma college Thrissur, During 9-10 January 2015 .
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution with equal coefficient of variation” ,Article presented at International conference on Statistics and information technology for a growing nation at Department of Statistics Sri Venkateswara university,Tirpathi,During 30November 2014-2,Dcecember 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Estimation of the mean of the normal distribution with known coefficient of variation by K-record values”,Article presented at National conference on Statistics for twenty-first century at Department of Statistics University of Kerala,During 20-22,March 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating a parameter of bivariate normal distribution with equal coefficient of variation” ,Article presented at National conference on Statistics for twenty-first century at Department of Statistics University of Kerala,During 20-22,March 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating the mean of a logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation” , Article presented at National conference on Statistics for twenty-first century at Department of Statistics University of Kerala,During 20-22,March 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar (2014).Article entitled “Estimation of a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution with equal coefficient of variation by concomitants of record values”,Article presented at International conference on stochastic modeling at St.Thomas college Palai, during 3-4 January 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating the mean of a normal distribution with known coefficient of variation”,Article presented at International conference on stochastic modeling at St.Thomas college Palai, during 3-4 January 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014). Article entitled “Estimation of location parameter of certain distributions with known coefficient of variation by record values”,Article presented at International conference on stochastic modeling at St.Thomas college Palai, during 3-4 January 2014.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2014).Article entitled “Ranked set sampling and extreme ranked set sampling in estimating a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate logistic distribution with equal coefficient of variation”. Article presented at International conference of on recent advances in statistics and their applications at Department of Statistics Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. (33rd Annual conference of ISPS).During December 26-28, 2013.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2013).Article entitled “Estimation of a parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution with equal coefficient of variation by ranked set sampling”.Article presented at International conference of on recent advances in statistics and their applications at Department of Statistics Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. (33rd Annual conference of ISPS), During December 26-28, 2013.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2013). Estimating a parameter of Morgensten type bivariate exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by concomitants of order Statistics.National seminar on Statistical theory and applications, during 15-16 march 2013.Held at St.Thomas college Palai.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2012). Estimating the parameter of Morgenstien type bivariate logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using concomitants of order Statistics. International seminar on frontiers of statistics and its applications, during 21-23 December 2012.Held at Department of Statistics Pondicherry University
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2012). Estimating the parameter of Morgenstien type bivariate logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation using concomitants of record values.National seminar on statistics for twenty first century, during 10-12 December 2012.Held at Department of Statistics University of Kerala.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2012). Estimating the mean of Double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation using order statistics and ranked set sampling.Article presented on national seminar on recent trends in statistics and related areas and annual conference of Kerala Statistical association during March 15-17,2012.Held at Calicut University. N.K.Sajeevkumar(2011). Estimating the mean of the generalized geometric distribution with known coefficient of variation using order statistic and ranked set sampling.Article presented International conference on Statistics,Probability and related areas during December 19-22,2011 at CUSAT(ISPS conference)
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2011). Estimating the parameter of the normal distribution with known c.v by ranked set sampling with particular reference to imperfect ordering.Article presented on the International conference on statistics and information analytics,held at Loyola College Chennai.During 25-27,2011.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2011). Estimating the mean of normal distribution with known coefficient of variation by record values.Article presented National seminar on stochastic modelling and analysis.held at department of Statistics cochin university of science and technology.During march 24-25,2011.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2011).Estimating a parameter of bivariate normal distribution using concomitants of order statistics and record values.Article presented national seminar on statistics for twenty first century. Held at Department of Statistics University of Kerala.During 17-19 march 2011.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2010) .Estimating the mean of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics.Article presented on national seminar on recent advances in statistics and computer applications.held at Bharathiyar university Coimbatore.During 21-23 December 2010.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2010). Use of quasi-ranges in the estimation of common scale parameter of several symmetric distributions.Article presented in national seminar on new trends in applied statistical methodology with special emphasis on time series analysis.Held at Nirmala college Muvattupuzha.During 25-27 February 2010.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2010). Use of quasi-ranges in the estimation of scale parameter of a symmetric distribution.Article presented in the International conference on Statistics ,probability operation research,computer science and allied areas.Held at Andhra university during 4-8 January 2010.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2009).Use of spacings in the estimation of common scale parameter of half-normal and exponential distributions.Article presented in the national seminar on recent trends in statistics.Held at Nehru arts and science college, Kanhangad,during 12-14 February 2009.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2008). On uncorrelated linear functions of order statistics of independent random variables .Article presented in the national seminar on recent advances in statistics and analysis of non-convential data.Held at department of Statistics Farook college Kozhikode during 15-17 march 2008.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2008). Use of spacings in the estimation of common scale parameter of several distributions.Article presented seminar on statistics and research methods.held at K.N.M Govt.Arts and science college Kanjiramkulam on 24 th January 2008.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2008). Estimating the common guarantee time in life testing problem involving units with independent but different life time distributions.Article presented in the national seminar on frontiers in applied statistics and computer applications.Held at department of Statistics Bharathiyar University Coimbatore during 29-30,January 2007.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2008).Estimating the mean of double exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics.Article presented in national seminar on stochastic process modelling,distribution theory and order statistics.Held at Department of Statistics university of Kerala Trivandrum .During 16-18 march 2006.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2005). Estimating the mean of logistic distribution with known coefficient of variation by order statistics.Article presented in the xxiv annual conference of Indian society for probability and statistics.Held at st.Thomas college Pala,during 4-6 November 2004.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2003).On a generalized class of winsorized means as estimators of the location parameters of the caucydistribution.Article presented for R.N.pillai young statistician award on march 2003.in the annual conference of KSA held at st.Thomas college Thrissur.
  • N.K.Sajeevkumar(2003).Best trimmed and best winsorized means as estimators of the location parameters of the Cauchy distribution.Article presented on the International conference on statistics in industry and business,January 2-4 2003.Held at SCochin University of science and Technology.
  • N.K. Sajeevkumar(2002). Generalization of the method of estimation of common location and scale parameters of several distributions by order statistics.Article presented on the xxii conference of Indian society for probability and statistics national seminar on advances in statistics and annual conference of Indian Bayesian.During August 11-14 2002 . Held at Department of Statistics University of Pune.

Awards / Recognitions

  • Professor R.N.Pillai Young Statistician award 2002.Given by Kerala statistical Association.
  • Professor T.S.K.Moothathu Best paper award 2008 , given by Kerala Statistical association.

Projects Ongoing / Completed

  • UGC Major research project entitled “Order statistics and records” (F No.41-810/2012). (completed ).

Refresher and orientation courses and short term courses attended:

  • UGC sponsored orientation programme attended during 03-04-2010 to 30-04-2010 at UGC academic staff College, University of Kerala.
  • UGC sponsored Refresher course in Statistics attended during 24-11-2011 to 15-12-2011 at UGC academic staff College, University of Kerala.
  • UGC sponsored Refresher course in Statistics attended during 24-05-2018 to 13-06-2018 at UGC academic staff College, University of Kerala.
  • UGC sponsored short term course in research methodology attended during 22-11-2018 to 29-11-2018 at UGC academic staff College, University of Kerala.
  • UGC sponsored short term course in student counselling and mentoring ,attended during 04-07-2019 to 10-07-2019 at UGC academic staff College, University of Kerala.